Letter I
Packages beginning with letter "I".
- icu - International Components for Unicode
- id3lib - Library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
- id3lib-devel - Development tools for the id3lib library
- iec16022 - Generate ISO/IEC 16022 2D barcodes
- iec16022-devel - ISO/IEC 16022 development files
- iec16022-libs - ISO/IEC 16022 libraries
- ifstatus - Command line real time interface graphs using ncurses
- iftop - Command line tool that displays bandwidth usage on an interface
- ike-scan - IKE protocol tool to discover, fingerprint and test IPsec VPN servers
- iksemel - An XML parser library designed for Jabber applications
- iksemel-devel - Development files for iksemel
- iksemel-utils - Development files for iksemel
- imapsync - Tool to migrate email between IMAP servers
- imlib2 - Image loading, saving, rendering, and manipulation library
- imlib2-devel - Development package for imlib2
- inadyn - Dynamic DNS Client
- inkscape - Vector-based drawing program using SVG
- innotop - A MySQL and InnoDB monitor program
- international-time - A tool for arranging times in advance with overseas colleagues
- iperf - Measurement tool for TCP/UDP bandwidth performance
- ircd-hybrid - Internet Relay Chat Server
- irssi - Modular text mode IRC client with Perl scripting
- isync - Tool to synchronize IMAP4 and Maildir mailboxes
- itcl - Object oriented extensions to Tcl and Tk
- itcl-devel - Development headers and libraries for linking against itcl
- itk - Object oriented extensions to Tk
- itk-devel - Development headers and libraries for linking against itk
- iverilog - Icarus Verilog is a verilog compiler and simulator
- iverilog-devel - Icarus Verilog devel files
- iwidgets - A set of useful widgets based on itcl and itk