Sometimes called text editors, these are programs that allow you to create and edit text files. This includes Emacs and Vi.
- cssed - CSS editor and validator
- emacs - GNU Emacs text editor
- emacs-auctex - Enhanced TeX modes for Emacs
- emacs-bbdb - A contact management utility for use with Emacs
- emacs-ess - Compiled elisp files to run Emacs Speaks Statistics under GNU Emacs
- emacs-muse - Compiled Muse lisp files for Emacs
- emacs-nxml-mode - Emacs package for editing XML
- emacs-vm - Emacs VM mailreader
- geany - A fast and lightweight IDE using GTK2
- gobby - Free collaborative editor
- jed - Fast, compact editor based on the S-Lang screen library
- joe - An easy to use, modeless text editor
- leafpad - GTK+ based simple text editor
- nedit - A GUI text editor for systems with X
- poedit - GUI editor for GNU gettext .po files
- psgml - A GNU Emacs major mode for editing SGML documents.
- scite - SCIntilla based GTK2 text editor
- scribes - A sleek, simple, and powerful text editor for the GNOME desktop
- scribes-templates - Templates ("Snippets") for the Scribes text editor
- vim-X11 - The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System
- vim-enhanced - A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements
- xemacs - Different version of Emacs
- xemacs-ess - Compiled elisp files to run Emacs Speaks Statistics under XEmacs
- xemacs-muse - Compiled Muse lisp files for XEmacs
- xemacs-packages-extra - Collection of XEmacs lisp packages
- xmlcopyeditor - A fast, free, validating XML editor
- zile - Zile Is Lossy Emacs