Window Managers
Simple window managers that aren't part of a larger desktop environment.
- WindowMaker - A fast, feature rich Window Manager
- bbkeys - Completely configurable key-combo grabber for blackbox
- blackbox - Very small and fast Window Manager
- fluxbox - Window Manager based on Blackbox
- fluxconf - Configuration utility for fluxbox
- fvwm - Highly configurable multiple virtual desktop window manager
- hackedbox - The bastard son of Blackbox, a small and fast Window Manager
- icewm - Light and configurable window manager
- matchbox-window-manager - Window manager for the Matchbox Desktop
- obconf - A graphical configuration editor for the Openbox window manager
- obmenu - A graphical menu editor for Openbox
- openbox - A highly configurable and standards-compliant X11 window manager
- pekwm - The Pek Window Manager
- ratpoison - Minimalistic window manager
- wmx - A really simple window manager for X
- xcompmgr - X11 composite manager