Letter O

osmo - Personal organizer

Website: http://clayo.org/osmo/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Osmo is a handy personal organizer which includes calendar, tasks manager and
address book modules. It was designed to be a small, easy to use and good
looking PIM tool to help to manage personal information. In current state the
organizer is quite convenient in use - for example, user can perform nearly
all operations using keyboard. Also, a lot of parameters are configurable to
meet user preferences.


osmo-0.2.12-0.3.svn924.fc19.1.x86_64 [539 KiB] Changelog by Jon Ciesla (2013-04-30):
- Drop desktop vendor tag.
- De-macro'd setup to paper-over FTBFS.

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.fc19