Letter G

genisoimage - Creates an image of an ISO9660 file-system

Website: http://cdrkit.org/
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Fedora Project
The genisoimage program is used as a pre-mastering program; i.e., it
generates the ISO9660 file-system. Genisoimage takes a snapshot of
a given directory tree and generates a binary image of the tree
which will correspond to an ISO9660 file-system when written to
a block device. Genisoimage is used for writing CD-ROMs, and includes
support for creating boot-able El Torito CD-ROMs.

Install the genisoimage package if you need a program for writing


genisoimage-1.1.11-17.fc19.x86_64 [288 KiB] Changelog by Frantisek Kluknavsky (2013-02-25):
- modified the memset patch, memsetting the whole array

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.fc19