
langtable - Guessing reasonable defaults for locale, keyboard layout, territory, and language.

License: GPLv3+
Vendor: Fedora Project
langtable is used to guess reasonable defaults for locale, keyboard layout,
territory, and language, if part of that information is already known. For
example, guess the territory and the keyboard layout if the language
is known or guess the language and keyboard layout if the territory is
already known.


langtable-0.0.6-1.fc19.src [299 KiB] Changelog by Mike FABIAN (2013-06-12):
- Update to 0.0.6
- Add RelaxNG schemas for the XML files (Vratislav Podzimek <>)
- Use SAX instead of the ElementTree (Vratislav Podzimek <>)
- Use 'trName' instead of 'name' for translated names (Vratislav Podzimek <>)

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.fc19