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gdouros-aegean-fonts - A font for ancient scripts in the greater Aegean vicinity

License: Copyright only
Vendor: Fedora Project
Aegean covers the following scripts and symbols supported by The Unicode
Standard 5.2: Basic Latin, Greek and Coptic, Greek Extended, some Punctuation
and other Symbols, Linear B Syllabary, Linear B Ideograms, Aegean Numbers,
Ancient Greek Numbers, Ancient Symbols, Phaistos Disc, Lycian, Carian, Old
Italic, Ugaritic, Old Persian, Cypriot Syllabary, Phoenician, Lydian, and
Archaic Greek Musical Notation.

Aegean also covers the following scripts and symbols not yet supported by
Unicode: Cretan Hieroglyphs, Cypro-Minoan, Linear A, the Arkalochori Axe,
Ancient Greek and Old Italic variant alphabets. These are allocated in the
Supplementary Private Use Plane 15.

It was created by George Douros.


gdouros-aegean-fonts-3.02-5.fc19.src [1.1 MiB] Changelog by Fedora Release Engineering (2013-02-13):
- Rebuilt for

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.fc19