Jump to letter: [
GitPython -
Python Git Library
babel -
Tools for internationalizing Python applications
clutter-gtk -
A basic GTK clutter widget
easymock2 -
Easy mock objects
etoys -
A media-rich model, game, and simulation construction kit and authoring tool
gcc -
Various compilers (C, C++, Objective-C, Java, ...)
gnome-python2 -
PyGNOME Python extension module
gnome-python2-desktop -
The sources for additional PyGNOME Python extension modules
gstreamer-python -
Python bindings for GStreamer
guile -
A GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility
java-1.5.0-gcj -
JPackage runtime compatibility layer for GCJ
java-1.7.0-openjdk -
OpenJDK Runtime Environment
js -
JavaScript interpreter and libraries
jython -
A Java implementation of the Python language
llvm -
The Low Level Virtual Machine
lua -
Powerful light-weight programming language
mcpp -
Alternative C/C++ preprocessor
mono -
A .NET runtime environment
mozjs17 -
JavaScript interpreter and libraries
notify-python -
Python bindings for libnotify
numpy -
A fast multidimensional array facility for Python
perl -
Practical Extraction and Report Language
pexpect -
Pure Python Expect-like module
php -
PHP scripting language for creating dynamic web sites
php-pear -
PHP Extension and Application Repository framework
php-pecl-apc -
APC caches and optimizes PHP intermediate code
php-pecl-jsonc -
Support for JSON serialization
php-pecl-mongo -
PHP MongoDB database driver
pyPdf -
PDF toolkit
pyatspi -
Python bindings for at-spi
pycairo -
Python bindings for the cairo library
pycryptopp -
Python wrappers for the Crypto++ library
pygame -
Python modules for writing games
pygobject2 -
Python 2 bindings for GObject
pygobject3 -
Python 2 bindings for GObject Introspection
pygpgme -
Python module for working with OpenPGP messages
pygtk2 -
Python bindings for GTK+
pygtksourceview -
Python bindings for gtksourceview
pyorbit -
Python bindings for ORBit2
python -
An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language
python-BeautifulSoup -
HTML/XML parser for quick-turnaround applications like screen-scraping
python-GnuPGInterface -
A Python module to interface with GnuPG
python-async -
A framework to process interdependent tasks in a pool of workers
python-beaker -
WSGI middleware layer to provide sessions
python-boto -
A simple lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services
python-bugzilla -
A python library for interacting with Bugzilla
python-bunch -
Python dictionary with attribute-style access
python-chardet -
Character encoding auto-detection in Python
python-cups -
Python bindings for CUPS
python-dateutil -
Powerful extensions to the standard datetime module
python-decorator -
Module to simplify usage of decorators
python-decoratortools -
Use class and function decorators -- even in Python 2.3
python-django -
A high-level Python Web framework
python-django14 -
A high-level Python Web framework
python-enchant -
Python bindings for Enchant spellchecking library
python-fedora -
Python modules for talking to Fedora Infrastructure Services
python-gitdb -
A pure-Python git object database
python-ipaddr -
A python library for working with IP addresses, both IPv4 and IPv6
python-kitchen -
Small, useful pieces of code to make python coding easier
python-krbV -
Python extension module for Kerberos 5
python-lockfile -
A platform-independent file locking module
python-logilab-astng -
Python Abstract Syntax Tree New Generation
python-mako -
Mako template library for Python
python-markupsafe -
Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python
python-nose -
Discovery-based unittest extension for Python
python-nss -
Python bindings for Network Security Services (NSS)
python-offtrac -
Trac xmlrpc library
python-olpcgames -
Utilities for developing games on the OLPC platform
python-pexpect -
Unicode-aware Pure Python Expect-like module
python-pycurl -
A Python interface to libcurl
python-simplegeneric -
Simple generic functions (similar to Python's own len(), pickle.dump(), etc.)
python-six -
Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
python-telepathy -
Python libraries for Telepathy
python-tempita -
A very small text templating language
python-virtualenv -
Tool to create isolated Python environments
python-xklavier -
Python bindings for libxklavier
python-zope-event -
Zope Event Publication
python3 -
Version 3 of the Python programming language aka Python 3000
python3-cairo -
Python 3 bindings for the cairo library
pytz -
World Timezone Definitions for Python
qjson -
A qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects
ruby -
An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language
rubygem-actionmailer -
Service layer for easy email delivery and testing
rubygem-actionpack -
Web-flow and rendering framework putting the VC in MVC
rubygem-activemodel -
A toolkit for building modeling frameworks
rubygem-activerecord -
Implements the ActiveRecord pattern for ORM
rubygem-activeresource -
Active Record for web resources
rubygem-activesupport -
Support and utility classes used by the Rails framework
rubygem-arel -
Arel is a Relational Algebra for Ruby
rubygem-bcrypt-ruby -
Wrapper around bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
rubygem-bson -
Ruby implementation of BSON
rubygem-builder -
Builders for MarkUp
rubygem-bundler -
Library and utilities to manage a Ruby application's gem dependencies
rubygem-coffee-rails -
Coffee Script adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
rubygem-coffee-script -
Ruby CoffeeScript Compiler
rubygem-coffee-script-source -
The CoffeeScript Compiler
rubygem-diff-lcs -
Provide a list of changes between two sequenced collections
rubygem-erubis -
A fast and extensible eRuby implementation
rubygem-execjs -
Run JavaScript code from Ruby
rubygem-hike -
Find files in a set of paths
rubygem-i18n -
New wave Internationalization support for Ruby
rubygem-journey -
Journey is a router
rubygem-jquery-rails -
Use jQuery with Rails 3
rubygem-json -
A JSON implementation in Ruby
rubygem-listen -
Listen to file modifications
rubygem-mail -
Mail provides a nice Ruby DSL for making, sending and reading emails
rubygem-mime-types -
Return the MIME Content-Type for a given filename
rubygem-minitest -
Small and fast replacement for ruby's huge and slow test/unit
rubygem-mongo -
Ruby driver for the MongoDB
rubygem-multi_json -
A gem to provide swappable JSON backends
rubygem-net-http-persistent -
Persistent connections using Net::HTTP plus a speed fix
rubygem-polyglot -
Allow hooking of language loaders for specified extensions into require
rubygem-rack -
Common API for connecting web frameworks, web servers and layers of software
rubygem-rack-cache -
HTTP Caching for Rack
rubygem-rack-protection -
Ruby gem that protects against typical web attacks
rubygem-rack-ssl -
Force SSL/TLS in your app
rubygem-rack-test -
Simple testing API built on Rack
rubygem-rails -
Web-application framework
rubygem-railties -
Tools for creating, working with, and running Rails applications
rubygem-rake -
Ruby based make-like utility
rubygem-rdoc -
RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects
rubygem-ref -
Library that implements weak, soft, and strong references in Ruby
rubygem-ruby2ruby -
Generate pure ruby from RubyParser compatible Sexps
rubygem-ruby_parser -
A ruby parser written in pure ruby
rubygem-sass -
A powerful but elegant CSS compiler that makes CSS fun again
rubygem-sass-rails -
Sass adapter for the Rails asset pipeline
rubygem-sexp_processor -
A branch of ParseTree providing generic sexp processing tools
rubygem-sinatra -
Ruby-based web application framework
rubygem-sprockets -
Rack-based asset packaging system
rubygem-sqlite3 -
Allows Ruby scripts to interface with a SQLite3 database
rubygem-therubyracer -
Embed the V8 Javascript interpreter into Ruby
rubygem-thor -
Scripting framework that replaces rake, sake and rubigen
rubygem-tilt -
Generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
rubygem-treetop -
A Ruby-based text parsing and interpretation DSL
rubygem-tzinfo -
Daylight-savings aware timezone library
rubygem-uglifier -
Ruby wrapper for UglifyJS JavaScript compressor
seed -
GNOME JavaScript interpreter
spambayes -
Bayesian anti-spam filter
squeak-vm -
The Squeak virtual machine
tcl -
Tool Command Language, pronounced tickle
tix -
A set of extension widgets for Tk
tk -
The graphical toolkit for the Tcl scripting language
wxPython -
GUI toolkit for the Python programming language