Letter S

s390utils-iucvterm - z/VM IUCV terminal applications

Website: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/linux390/s390-tools.html
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Fedora Project
A set of applications to provide terminal access via the z/VM Inter-User
Communication Vehicle (IUCV). The terminal access does not require an
active TCP/IP connection between two Linux guest operating systems.

- iucvconn:  Application to establish a terminal connection via z/VM IUCV.
- iucvtty:   Application to provide terminal access via z/VM IUCV.
- ts-shell:  Terminal server shell to authorize and control IUCV terminal
             connections for individual Linux users.


s390utils-iucvterm-1.23.0-14.fc22.s390x [81 KiB] Changelog by Dan Horák (2015-01-28):
- refresh from RHEL-7
 - update patches
 - add zdsfs subpackage
 - rebase src_vipa to 2.1.0

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