Letter O

objenesis - A library for instantiating Java objects

Website: http://objenesis.org/
License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Fedora Project
Objenesis is a small Java library that serves one purpose: to instantiate
a new object of a particular class.
Java supports dynamic instantiation of classes using Class.newInstance();
however, this only works if the class has an appropriate constructor. There
are many times when a class cannot be instantiated this way, such as when
the class contains constructors that require arguments, that have side effects,
and/or that throw exceptions. As a result, it is common to see restrictions
in libraries stating that classes must require a default constructor.
Objenesis aims to overcome these restrictions by bypassing the constructor
on object instantiation. Needing to instantiate an object without calling
the constructor is a fairly specialized task, however there are certain cases
when this is useful:
* Serialization, Remoting and Persistence - Objects need to be instantiated
  and restored to a specific state, without invoking code.
* Proxies, AOP Libraries and Mock Objects - Classes can be sub-classed without
  needing to worry about the super() constructor.
* Container Frameworks - Objects can be dynamically instantiated in
  non-standard ways.


objenesis-1.2-18.fc22.noarch [68 KiB] Changelog by Mikolaj Izdebski (2015-02-03):
- Add missing BR on maven-wagon-ssh-external
- Resolves: rhbz#1106608

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-6.fc21