Letter B

blktrace - Utilities for performing block layer IO tracing in the Linux kernel

Website: http://brick.kernel.dk/snaps
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
blktrace is a block layer IO tracing mechanism which provides detailed
information about request queue operations to user space.  This package
includes both blktrace, a utility which gathers event traces from the kernel;
and blkparse, a utility which formats trace data collected by blktrace.

You should install the blktrace package if you need to gather detailed
information about IO patterns.


blktrace-1.1.0-1.fc22.s390x [140 KiB] Changelog by Andrew Price (2014-09-26):
- New upstream version
- Add iowatcher subpackage
- Remove obsolete 'clean' and 'defattr' sections

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